Haha, participated in my first ever team building last Friday. The 3 main activities were:-
1) Karaoke session @ Red Box Gurney Plaza with lunch
2) Treasure Hunt
3) Buffet dinner @ Fusion Restaurant Gurney Hotel
WH selecting some songs b4 we begin
It was quite dark inside with the dim lights..Well, me and WH are among the first batch of ppl that arrived there the earliest. We booked 2 rooms to accommodate all team members and headed off into 1 of the bigger room. Began singing the famous 'Keng Gor Kam Khok' by Leo Ku as opening song. Feels weird that the room has only me and WH... slowly, one by one others began to show up.
It was nothing special though, I promised Mandy to sing Mandy for her so I 'practiced' for 1 day and did it there. hahahaha, was great fun. First time I've ever sang a song for a girl... (but it was nothing.. dun get me wrong.. =_=!) Next, after I've finished singing... I looked at my plate of lunch as they were already being served.. it was the salmon dish. According to Mandy, the salmon here tasted like salt fish --> O.o omg... I was aiming for the sweet and sour drum stick and I'm sure it was in front of me... after 1 song, it was gone.. LOL. oh well, actually quite frankly and honestly and without a bias... it does tasted like salt fish.. LOL.. a bit salty for my taste but still manageable. Later on, we continued to sing and WH set me up to sing with our Director Ms. Tan... in a classic song by Teresa Teng. =_=! thanks WH... LOL... not really into classic mandarin songs.
Treasure Hunt
Gathering of team members
All gearing up for the event
One of the organizer - Debbie briefted us bout the rules n regulations
Yay, now for the main event!!! Actually I was quite excited as it has been quiiiiiiite a while since I last participated in treasure hunt. So get to do it this time thanks to the organizers. All of us gathered at the seaside entrance for briefing. We were divided into 7 teams of 3 people per group. My team consisted of me, YS and Felicia. haha, all 3 of us knew each other all these while so there's no need for any introduction whereas other team members will be mixed with others whom they didn't normally talk to b4 in the office.
I've jotted down some notes regarding the rules on my palmI was tasked to be the team lead this round which I'm more than glad to handle. Team leaders got briefed bout some rules of the competition.
1) total of 20 over questions with 1 point for each correct answers
2) time given is around 2 hours
3) must search for the same clues and answer together, no splitting up to complete each individual question
4) act normal as not to create a big buzz over this event... low profile. :)
Yay, after some discussion, as there's still 15mins or so till the event kicks off, we've headed over to the information counter and I grabbed 3 copies of the floor directory booklets. At 3:30pm, we received our question on a paper and a pen and then we're off. First question related to the sign board near the wishing well at the front of the sea side entrance.
We ran throughout the entire event with me leading the rest of the pack as they said I have longer legs, oh well... There's 1 question which its clue is to search for a place name in 2 words and there's a Japanese translation for the words as well. Seeing that either one of us knew Japanese that well, we decided to keep it on hold first. There's even 1 question which requires us to buy a snack + juice that is within RM3 budget. Naturally my first thought would be heading to the small stall at LG beside Cold Storage as I believe the price must be cheaper than Cold Storage. Grabbed a pineapple juice + 1 bag of peanut snake and asked the boss to give us a simple receipt for proof.
1 question had us search for the monopoly game price of Harrison Ford's latest movie and take a picture of a crocodile with your team members. We headed to Toys'R'Us store and I searched for the boardgame of Indiana Jones meanwhile YS and Felicia grabbed a softtoy croc and took a photo of us in it. Later on I found out that other team even went to the Crocs shoe store and snapped their picture there too. hahahahhaa, never thought of that.
1 question asked us to look for the ingredient from a Thai cook book and the page number has to be calculated in a series of mathematic equations. hahahahha, we've searched high and low in MPH seeing that it was an english title and after a while I gave up and asked the information counter girl to help me look for it in their database to no avail.. okay, time to give up, thanking her we headed over to Popular bookstore. There we searched high and low for it but failed also, Felicia went over to ask one of the helpful personnel there and they knew what we're looking for cos other team has been here already, it was a small cookbook! hahahah... hiding among the shelves. We grabbed the book, headed to the other corner, ducked down so no other team member would see us...and copied the recipie and we're off again! starting to feel like we're in some sort of Amazing Race. XD
1 question asked us how much is the price of a certain brand coffee maker from the Anchor Tenant. How foolish of me to look for the name Anchor Tenant... later on, cos YS who kept the receipt of the snacks lost it and suggest we go back to the shop and request a new one which the boss gladly gave us again.. thanks! and I took the liberty of asking him to see if he has any idea which shop is Anchor Tenant.. and he explained to us that Anchor Tenant was the major tenant that occupied this place. E.g. Parkson, Cold Storage, etc. As soon as I've realized this, straight away we headed for Parkson and there it was, the coffee maker! hahahhahaha...
1 more question was related to the month of the opening of the new wing of Gurney Plaza, sensing that I've saw the sign somewhere outside the building b4, we headed outside. We ran out side but saw nothing but the building itself. So we've asked numerous people, each of us gave us a different month... so I had to make a phone call to get the date... which is November this year. hahahaha, after the game I asked other team where they got their answer and it was on a sign board downstairs at one of the gates which we never pass by before. LOL..
There's 1 question which sounded like this -> What is the color of the shop "...". I was like, color? shop? ... ? what shop??? Initially we thought this question pointed to the above question which was where we got our monopoly game from -> Toys'R'Us, so we just jotted down the color there first. Later on, a quick check with the information counter revealed that there's indeed a shop named "...". It was just beside MPH bookstore which we have failed to notice.. the name was 3dots. =_=! hahahhaha, our weakness, we're too focus on current objectives and failed to take note of our surroundings.
About the place which has Japanese translation.. we went to the extend of opening up notebook in hope to connect to an available WiFi and google up the word meaning... LOL... actually, one of the question required us to search for a recipie in a cook book, other team used this opportunity to grab a Japanese to English dictionary and translated the words to get the name - Winter Warmer! hahahahhahahaa.... oh my, what was I thinking.. relying on technology too much!
The dreaded poster question.. anyone of u knew that this was from S&J's?All in all, we had all the answers except 1 last one which requires us to search for a shop with a certain poster. We almost gave up as we didn't really came across any of it and right on the very last few minutes we decided to give it a last go by running up to the 3rd floor and there it is... S&J gift shop! hahahahhaha...
When we turn our answer in during the last minute in Winter Warmers, it seemed like we're the last team to arrive.. swt. According to the rules, which ever team has the most correct question wins, but if 2 or more team has the same amount of points it will ahve to come down to the time. Earliest team will win, seeing that my team was the last we'll have to aim for the accuracy of our answers. hahahahhaha, a quick check with some other team members boosted my confidence, they made some mistakes which we never did.
Initially we've wrote down on the side of the question the floor number in which we would take on the questions from LG all the way to the top but after a while all seemed to be in chaos as we're running here and there looking for clues. hahahahhahahhaa and ran we did. Felicia and I had agreed to each other that we wanted to win this game... 2nd place was not an option.. so we've played it quite seriously and of course it was fun too...
We took a break inside Winter Warmer And I was very very very exhausted after a long tiring game.. hahahahahhawell, stay tuned for the 2nd part of this event later on in a seperate post.