Was very excited the moment the plane lands, aside from not able to switch on my phone's cellular data. I didn't miss too much of the action, we walked towards the clearance point and went to collect our baggage. As we brought some food over, needed to be checked in a separate section. They are very strict which I fully understand and this only benefits the whole residents.
Virginia was waiting for us when we proceeded out towards the exit. :) Waited for Alan, I stepped outside of the door to feel the weather, man it's cooling. Not too cold, but cool enough for me. The skies were gloomy as if it was about to rain, felt like Genting (10 years ago). haha...

I saw in front of the car, whipped out my camera.. took some shots here and there. A little bit like what they say 阿牛下城, like someone from village venturing into a big city. hahaha, mostly I'm just thrilled to be here, after all it's my first visit to foreign country and also temporary leaving behind work duties to my trusted colleagues and friends.

Was quite excited to see this lamp post, of which the signs are in English. Back in hometown, it's mostly in Malay and some in Chinese language. This was quite refreshing. :) Reminded me that I'm in a western country.

We went pass Melbourne city, there's like no car around. Turns out that it was the racing day. Sorry I forgot what specific name it was but it's like an annual event whereby ppl will go see race horse competing it out for prizes. So the city looked deserted...rare... :)

Home at last, I loved this type of single store house... wish I can get one in the future...

Mum just loved flowers... "fast fast, take for me" she said. "aiyo, you see the flowers, so nice, so pretty, fast take some shots for me"... little do I realize, I'm her private photographer for this trip already starting at that very moment...

Who do we have here? ooh, Miranda... she really grew a lot since early this year's Chinese New Year when I last saw her. Quite cheeky too... I snapped her, and showed her my camera's screen and asked her.. "who is this?"
"Mi~Ran.da" she said, excitedly and laughed. I then asked her to hold the ball and tried to get some shots again. She's quite patient enough to let me compose a few shots, and each time I showed her the end result she'd smile and laugh excitedly... :)
After a few days staying there, I soon come to realize that she is quite playful (well, normal for her age) and sometimes went a liiiiitle bit overboard. Her parents will bring her to 1 special corner for her to stand (by the name ..... yes you've guessed it.. the Naughty Corner)
Well. what's so special bout the Naughty Corner, nothing. it's just a small corner by the small staircase, but to her it signified that she's naughty at the moment and she would cry when she was put there. :p
And this happened quite a lot.. hahaha.. dare I say at least once per day? But it's cute, everything, the sight of seeing that, hearing that... :) well, might not be so for her parents but we as "outsider" in this ordeal find it to be funny.. she meant no harm, just a bit..well, naughty.
it goes like this...
Oh, 1 more funny thing we've discovered. She would say, "Kitkat".. then me and my mum was like, what kitkat? there's no kitkat. Virginia corrected us that she meant 这个, zhe ge, not kitkat. hahahahhaa.... :p silly us..
Hope to see you again in a month's time... Mi~ran.da!
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