Thursday, April 14, 2011

Happy Anniversary to my blog... again :)

Just an entry to mark the occasion that this blog still functions and is still up and running for now the 3rd years :)

more goodness in life to come... stay tuned.

Happy birthday Kitkeatbar!

Saturday, April 09, 2011

9th April 2011 - Q2C appreciation dinner @ Rasa Sayang Spice Market

Finally, wanna take a moment to thank each and everyone for organizing this dinner for us. Kam siah!

Secondly, thanks to my CFO team for weathering all the hardship that we endure, countless over time ($ not included), dead lines, ETA this ETA that... defects to squash, manual job to run, monitor, printers to troubleshoot, orders to close, invoice to generate... the list goes on and on and on and ..charing endless calls, coordination this n that..

But, it's all over now.. :) good job everyone..

thanks to colleagues from other team who helped out as well, without their dedication, we probably fared even worse...

please pat yourself at the back, you deserved it!

Special shot dedicated to all the children who attended the fun :) cute!

Did some snap for my mum as well... :)
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... smile~

finishing up with panorama~

Let's climb the next mountain.. :)

LATAM here we come!!!

P/S: click on each art for a large version. If you like this, please click on the advertisement on the right side below under [Please Click Me] & [Pls click n show support~] to follow this blog. Thanks!

Saturday, April 02, 2011

new spec - transition

gotten a new pair of spectacles today.. :) not that my old one was broken no. it's still going strong... just a bit loose.

the weather are getting hotter these day and so does the sun. Shinning brightly is killing my eyes, I can't get a standard sunglasses as i need prescription lenses and i don't like those clip on.. hassle so.. i opt for transition lens.. not cheap.. >_< but hopefully it's worth it in a long run.. good news is that my power only raised about 50 points on the right eye... not much difference for left...

is this a sign that im taking a good care of my eyes? not sure.. there's some crazy OTs going on these few months for JP rollout... or it means that i'm getting old... and the effect starts to kick in? LOL...

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