Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Perfect Bait

The other day came back from work and found this parcel at my desk.

Upon seeing this address, I know what it is....

Haha, Art work... well, it's something related to art work but definitely not one. But nevertheless thank you for their handling and care on that.. Appreciated!

Here's the book I've been waiting for, from 1 of my favorite artist of all time - Bobby Chiu. It caters mostly for start up artist who wants to be inspired and motivated to attract clients to sell their art work to or even provide service. However, it contained more than that, including years of experience accumulated by Bobby himself and also from the artists he met along the way and their advice as well. All, bundled into a few chapters in this book.

I've finished reading it and thought it's a very nice book, to fully take it into effect one must really learn and embrace Bobby's advice.

Well done Bobby, and thanks for sharing!

Buy the physical book now and stand a chance to stream the audio book read by Bobby himself at Schoolism.com as well http://www.schoolism.com/

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