Sunday, June 06, 2010

Lego minifigs collection

Ah.. Lego, the block most of us chew when we're kids... well, not many of my friends played with it. I for one.. was seriously in love with the thing when I was a kid. I use to bug my mum to get me a few small boxes whenever we go out for shopping. I was particular interested in the sci-fi themed version... ^^

Fast forward many years today, I no longer actively collect, well i still pay attention every now and then.. but not that frequent anymore. Tried to get a few small boxes.. i couldn't get pass the initial models that they give you. Last time, i could play with 1 small boxes for ages... it truly is a
new toy everyday..

So I went out just now and saw this.... minifigures.. the yellow characters for toys aged around 8 - 12 yrs old. they came in all sorts of varieties. last time they used to have the same facial expression, but nowadays they comes in all sorts of emotion. some even have beard. hahaha... and hair for helmet...

I couldn't resist, so I bought 5 packs for now. It has a total of 16 different figures to collect. Due to the packaging nature, it's random. I'm still lucky i got each different ones.. but as i progress further, I reckon i'll eventually collect a few duplicates.. =_=!

Open up the pack reveals the minifig in seperate pieces, it took less than 8 secs to put him up actually, 5 if you're quicker. haha...

It's not bad... RM9.90 per pack. :) seen any you liked? i particularly like the kid with the skateboard, because of his hair.. haha...

P/S: click on each art for a large version. If you like this, please click on the advertisement on the right side below under [Please Click Me] & [Pls click n show support~] to follow this blog. Thanks!


-maki- said...

I can remember that when I was young I like to play this with my sibling..
Gosh I miss it much....

btw nice blogwalking ^^

Kit Keat Bar said...

thanks maki for dropping by... ^^

yuki tenshi said...

hmm.. didnt know now they come in mini figures pack...

Kit Keat Bar said...

faster go beli.. xp

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