Monday, December 31, 2012

Farewell 2012

It's 31st Dec 2012, what would you do? for me, it's pretty simple again this year. Went out with my best buddy, catch a simple meal. walked around some malls, looked for some stuff, played 1 nice arcade game and finished it off with delicious Mille Crepe from The Twelve Cups.

Snapped some pictures in the restaurant while waiting for our food with his new ultra wide angle lens. It's pretty wide and remained one of my wanted lens list.

Recapped back 2012, nothing too major, but I've completed some life changing items that might take form in 2013.

2013 is going to be a life changing year for me. What about you?
I don't have any new year resolution this time around, but 1 thing remained the same, the motto "Life without regrets".

Happy new year to you and your family, may the new year bless you with tremendous health. Cheers!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

5D cinema experience

the ticket. generic one
When I think of the jargon associated with cinema experience, first there's 3D (wearing 3D glasses, made by popular revival from our beloved Hollywood since 2010 or 2011). It was fun but I had to wear double glasses (on top of my own prescription). Still acceptable.

Then there's 2D, digital 2D projection for much cleaner experience compared to traditional film projection. I've gotten excited and pretty much switched to 2D only for my movie days. Only skipping once or twice every now and then because of show times.

Then, there's 5D experience from this little "cinema" at 1st Avenue Mall. Well, it's intriguing in a way that I could not think of anything that go passed 4D. I know for 4D, there's motion chair you can strap yourself on, there's 3D glasses involved, and wind + weather effect. 5D, I joked to my friend, what? they add in some smell there as well? e.g. dead animals and blow the stinks to your face? I'm not too sure.

Well, turns out that the ticket for Adult was RM20 a pop! gosh, well for the sake of testing I don't really mind. The setup was that at 1 go, only a maximum of 5 people can enter the small room. They only rented 1 place for this. Not a very huge setup by any stretch of the imagination.

Then there's around 7 categories you can choose from to watch these HD movies. We chose Horror, I see there's roller coasters, military, children stuff, etc. Then for each category, there were like 2 - 4 different movies each lasting from 7 - 12 mins long.

We were told to memorize the title of the show we've watched so that during the next visit, we could tell them and if we're choosing the same category, they can pick another show for us. We watched horror house or something like that.

We went in, only me and my friend, 2 people, climb up a small staircase and sat on the motion chair and strapped ourselves in. in front was a projector and we were given our 3D glasses to put on.

Upon starting, the room went dark, and the show was on the way. It shows us navigating through a house, obviously half drunk and the whole chair just sway here and there non stop. I find this hard to pull us into the experience as there's no back story, and why am I walking and swaying left and right. Am I on some crack?

Then we were constantly "attacked" by some 3D creatures that were suppose to scare us, but it looked kinda lame, the 3D model was not very convincing and the chair was swinging left right front back without any reason. It made me more dizzy than scared to be frank.

Then there were some constant gush of cold wind whenever a monster would pop up but that's just about it. There's 1 scene near the end where we went outside the court yard and without any reason/justification, we started floating around, avoiding some giant snake like creatures. I was half dizzy and wanna puke from the constant shake.

Then, the show ended, lights up and the assistant came in and spoke to us. We gave him the frank response, it wasn't pretty scary or convincing. Well, we told ourselves, maybe we would experience the 2nd and last try if we go for Rollercoaster type of show? Otherwise, it's the 1st and last time we'll try this.

I find the 4D arcade shooter beside this (RM8 per game, RM6 for continue) to be far far more convincing and genuinely scarier than this.

If you absolutely must try, go now, I'm not sure how long they can keep this up. I sincerely hope they upgrade their shows. The one we watched, it was made around 2007 and boy, has the technology aged in 5 years. :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wrap up 2012

Well, good news first, we survived the end of the world, yay... (sarcastically), haha.
But, jokes aside, aren't we thankful we're alive just by a little longer?

2012 has come and almost gone in a blink of an eye, this year was far less exciting than say, 2011 mainly cos I had no business travel (well, I would have had 1 but I had to skip it cos of some personal matters).

It's month of Dec and in conjunction with Christmas, I bought a bunch of gifts, big and small for family and friends and some kids as well. Nothing said it more than to be able to put a smile on someone's face. Especially someone that meant a lot to me, that person, I gave gifts that money couldn't even buy. My effort and time.

Hopefully it turned out the way I hope for. Have a Merry Christmas and a jolly new year ahead everybody.

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