Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lego 6867 - Cosmic Cube Escape set simple review

Actually saw this Lego set on their website which I would frequent once a while to see what's new. The moment I saw Ironman's minifig, I knew I must collect at least 1 and I glad I did.

Read on to find out... 
The complete casts with the truck
The truck itself is not my main highlight. I only want the minifig, but heck, paying full price for just Ironman fig is a bit far fetch and overkill even for me. hahahhaa... so I just had to assemble the whole thing. 

The truck itself actually has a nice deep blue color scheme and as you can see from the couple of pics below, they come with some small stickers for you to put on which has the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo and some graphic textures on the bonnet.

It's a sturdy looking truck with big rubbery tires which feels nice and adds a bit of bulk to it. the top of the roof doesn't open by some hatch piece but you have to take the whole thing off which is a small bummer.

You can position Hawkeye inside as the driver according to the set but I think 2 other characters should be ok as well.

There's a small mechanism at the back of the truck which  the back of the set tells you to press the red piece at the end which can lift the piece up at a small angle and throws whoever that's standing (minifig's leg connected to 1 circle piece protruding out) but I tried it and he won't fly off) Guess that's a good thing, it only fancies kids

These I presume is some sort of missile thingy which has a small warning sign on the instruction booklet to be careful when playing with it. I don't see the harm, the missile just connects and held by the grey piece which is quite tight and I tested, it can't really fly off at all. It would come off slowly... 

Again, not a bad looking truck at all

ahh.... the main highlight. Ironman - simulates flying/hovering with 2 blue transparent piece. 2 small circular blue piece to be put on top of his hands (note, you have to put it on the flushed portion which is normally facing up and hence have to twist them downwards) to simulate flight stabilizers. Loki in the middle with his big horns helmet and nice textured cape which is quite stiff I must say and the boring cosmic cube (it's named Tesseract in the movie, they should have made something nicer to enhance the collective values) and last but not least, Hawkeye with cool shades on him and nice hairdo, sporting a bow. 
1 interesting note, aside from Loki's head, Tony Stark and Hawkeye both sports 2 faces printed on them, you can twist and turn to reveal them, usually 1 with normal/cool looks and 1 more aggressive/combat mode. nice touch...

Tada! The neat thing, Ironman's mask actually opens up to reveal his face. What a very nice implementation, I would have been happy if they just give me a simple Ironman helmet but this is a very very nice touch.

Well, that's it. Hope you find this brief review interesting and would go out and grab your own set. I would be aiming at Captain America's motorcycle set.

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