Sunday, January 20, 2013

Plan B

It's just start of the year 2013 and I've been hit with something hard.
But guess what? Sun's still rising, life goes on. Just have to deal with it.

I'm not a person with lots of plans, but this time around, I happened to have 1. It's called Plan B.

Not that I wanted to do it, but come to think of it, why not? Circumstances changed. Is it gonna be good/bad? Nobody knows, I guess it's the same as a coin, there's always 2 sides to things. We'll find out once we take the path then. Like Steve used to stay, you cannot connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them, looking backwards.

Things happened for a reason.

2013 gonna shape up to be an excellent year ahead. Full.of.ChAnGeS.

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