Thursday, October 06, 2011

R.I.P. Steven Jobs 1955 - 2011 

Dear Steve,

I'm typing this with my iPhone 4 originated from the initial iPhone which you have envisioned which have changed the mobile phones forever.

You do not know many of us but I am now a Mac lover and iOS fans who had bought a few of the company's product. I understand and adore the company's vision and beliefs which were strongly influenced by yourself.

This will indeed be a truly sad day but like you said before, truly live your life as though it were your last, someday you would most certainly be right.

Some people can live a longer life, but it's not the quantity that counts, it's the quality of your life.

To cut to the chase, I love  and Steve. Thank you for helping us changing the world and putting a ding into the universe.

Rest in peace.

P/S: I hope there is iHeaven for you, else please built it. :)
BTW: iPhone 4S = iPhone for Steve

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