Saturday, February 16, 2013

Kek Lok Si Temple - Penang - Chinese New Year 2013

So we made our way to Kek Lok Si temple after our dinner.

We anticipated that although there would be crowd, still it would not be as much but turns out that we were so wrong!

It was sooooo crowded that we couldn't even secure a spot (was around close to 8pm) and had to park further down and walked back. Well, shouldn't be a problem for me and Calvin. I brought lesser gear, nowadays didn't even feel like bringing my camera bag. Just a regular trusty laptop back pack and a bottle of water. Seriously, either I'm getting old or dSLR is getting heavier by the days.

It has become an annual event, at least for myself and a few friends. This year, since it's so last minute and only spoke about it briefly with a few folks. Decided to just go with Calvin. Bok couldn't make it as he had to attend night calls.

Without further ado, I'll let the pictures do the talking.. enjoy

the red and yellow lights emitting from the lanterns never ceased to amaze me even though I've seen it many many times, it's just magical. As you can see, very crowded which is a surprise. It's Valentine's and this would be the last place I thought couples would spend their time with. No offense though, it's still a great place to visit. Just a bit too crowded for me. 
on our way there, marching...
up the staircases, a few stalls are still open. there are some pitch black section without any lights on them. thankfully, nowadays a lot of ppl carries around a smart phone, a little bit of flash will illuminate the dark path. Otherwise, pls bring your own torch light as it can be very very dark and long section. 

prays for health, my kinda wish. 
lanterns blanketted the whole place
the Kek Lok Si Pagoda, my main attraction for this year as last year we seemed to miss it. We didn't climb up though this year

fake LED flowers
caught a glimpse of water droplet on the center of a lily petal, but low lights, very hard to stabilize for the shot

fresh flowers, I think it's the same batch every year

infamous Guan Yin statue right at the top of the attraction, it's very huge. Again, never ceases to amaze me, it's big and magnificent looking.

That's it folks. Done for 2013. Perhaps we'll go again in a larger group, perhaps we won't. But as for my own, I've done it for this round.

Next round, perhaps next year? perhaps a year after that. Who knows? Embrace the moment that is now.

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