Monday, February 23, 2009

table n coffee for 2

Treated my dad for coffee at Oldtown. Nice relaxing moment with magazine, newspaper... coffee and of course.. our company for each other (not forgetting many many more mosquitoes flying around here and there.. LOL)

We sipped coffee while they suck our blood..

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Surprised meeting - Vintage Cars @ Tanjung Tokong

Today Calvin asked me out for a photoshoot... actually just got out from my lazy bed cos not much sleep yesterday. We went out for breakfast and just cruise around, had no idea where or what to snap... I just thought we go over Tanjung Tokong's newly developed land where they have those bungalows for rich ppl to have a look.

Cruised along the quiet roads... admiring rich people's houses... some of the house are painted white and it really blends well with the clear blue skies this morning.

We made a U-turn at the end of the road back and toured the other side. Came across this small road leading inside a place where they have a children's playground and a nice seaside view. That attracted me but not for long... I saw a few vintage cars parked at the side. Immediately, the subject of the day was found and we literaly hop right out of the car and armed ourselves with cameras and start snapping away.

Actually, I sort of hold back a little cos I can see some of the owners nearby. After seeking their kind permission we continued. I actually missed 1 blue merz as the owner and the rest of the gang left after a short while.

Met and spoke to one of the owner - Chris (correct me if you're reading this and if i was wrong) who owned one of the red sport car.

Sorry for my lack of knowledge, didn't really catch what's the name of the car which sports a huge "MG" logo. :)

One of the car has its license plate number which was also the same number as the year it was manufactured. :) In fact, if I was not mistaken... according to the other lady whom I didn't ask who her name was told me that Douglas has all cars except for 1 which sports the plate number as the manufacture year of each car!

Hope to see more of these in the future... this is.. indeed a surprise find and a wonderful capture.

Again thanks to all the kind owners who let us photographs these vintage beauties!

* Please click on individual photo for larger version.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Just a day out

Went to have dinner with Calvin yesterday night after work at town. Snapped this up while waiting for him to withdraw $.

Nothing much... slow day. :) have a nice weekend guys n gals ^^

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chinese New Year photography contest 2009

Our shutterbug's club organizers held a photography event in conjunction with CNY and the theme was to snap photos related to CNY celebration n mood.

I never really did go out purposely to shoot photos for this competition (shame to say) but its very hard to pick a photos out of those pools that I have during CNY (Kek Lok Si and heritage open house)

I didn't choose Kek Lok Si temple shots as I thought it didn't really convey any meaning or mood relating to CNY celebration. Sure it opens to the public and all all those laterns lit up but... still... it doesnt show any CNY celebration. Skipped.

My remaining choice was the heritage open house shoot I did a while ago (still within the CNY period). I went through... I picked and edited 1 photo of lion dance. I actually was making my way out of Khoo Kong Si temple with camera strapped around my neck and saw this incoming pack of lion dancers. Immediately I held up my camera, eyes into viewfinder and just compose quickly and take those shots. Took like 5.... 3 were blur, 1 posted in facebook... and 1 more i didn't which I selected and submitted as my entry as I thought Lion Dance at least hits the mark closer than the temple shots.

We had our shutterbug class just now and judges gives pointers when participating on a photography contest. Basically, your photo must be able to : stand out from the crowd, have an 'X' factor (wow factor), stick to the topic, able to attract judges' attention when viewed from thumbnail size, be original and creative.

My entry was not selected as the top 5, but WengHong's did! congrats to him first! Anyway, as the judges are going through the photos... they gave pointers on how to improve my shots and the most significant edit would be to crop off the distracting objects/ peoples.

Here... what do you guys think? It's a bit too squarish i think .... but actually better than the original one in the sense that there's less distracting elements. Anyway, thank you to all judges and people who took the time to organize this event and also shared with all of us bout the tips n tricks! Really appreciate them!

I'll nail the next one... :) Gambate to all! Peace~

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Calm night

I snapped this sky a while ago during Chinese New Year. Was riding bike out of my place and looked at the skies.. it was around 7:30pm... the whole image just looks... calming.

Clear blue skies with dark tone accompanied by a lonely moon. Perfect. I immediately turned around and ran upstairs and grabbed my camera and ride out again as it was quite close to my place.

I just love staring at the skies... :)

*click on image for larger version

Monday, February 09, 2009

Chinese New Year Cultural & Heritage Celebration 2009 Penang

Actually this event was held at 1st Feb 2009 but only posted this now. hahaha.. excuse excuse.

Went over around Penang heritage area (Acheen Street, Armenian Street, Cannon Street, Ah Quee Street, Soo Hong Lane, Chulia Street) for photoshoot of the even.

The place was jammed packed, lots of people... locals, tourists, hawkers and performers alike. It was the first time I saw so many photographers and also dslr users out there. a lot with big big cannon-like lenses. Makes my D60 kit looks like a toy camera... sob sob.

Anyway, had a blast but photographing was a tough job. Have to squeeze your way through everything and it was very hot.

I did managed to snap Khoo Kong Si temple there cos they said normally it will not light up at night and this was the only chance... no choice. But we did have fun. :)

P/S: Thanks for Felicia for borrowing her tripod which was broken but then fixed by Shangyih boy later to enable me to snap sharp pics at that night. :)

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Penang - Kek Lok Si temple on Chinese New Year 2009 - Trip 2

We went back to photoshoot Kek Lok Si temple for the 2nd round on 7th Feb 09 as it's still within CNY with some people that have missed out the previous outing.

bumped into a few frens along the way...
We went to the vege farm to shoot the night shots of Kek Lok Si temple. hahahha, navigated across rows of vege plants as we dun want to squash or damage any of them. I believe we're trespassing ppl's private property here. gulp.

after that we went over to snap Kuan Yin statue. The statue was covered with construction equipments setups as it's in the midst of building a wall and perhaps a roof around it. This was also the first time I've ever set foot on top of the place. It looks absolutely breath taking. We took a short cable car ride up to the place where the statue was and it costs only RM4 for to and fro trip. :)

After that it was back to shooting pagoda till the place was closed around 11pm. See you guys again next CNY!

New Gears acquired!

Not me though... was with calvin and shangyih when they both bought their new gears on the 3rd Feb 09.

Very excited and happy for them... hmmm.. when shall i have my D90 upgrade... planning... saving... :)

The "unofficial" ambassador of Canon dslr

P/S: too bad both me and calvin failed to poison shangyih in getting dslr.. =p

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Baby Miranda

My cousin's baby - Miranda came back to meet us. She should be around 6 months+ old by now and she is a cutey!

Photographed her when we're having dinner at one of the stalls during Chinese New Year. Can't wait to see her again sometime in the future.

Till then, wish baby Miranda a happy and healthy life again!

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