Sunday, February 08, 2009

Penang - Kek Lok Si temple on Chinese New Year 2009 - Trip 2

We went back to photoshoot Kek Lok Si temple for the 2nd round on 7th Feb 09 as it's still within CNY with some people that have missed out the previous outing.

bumped into a few frens along the way...
We went to the vege farm to shoot the night shots of Kek Lok Si temple. hahahha, navigated across rows of vege plants as we dun want to squash or damage any of them. I believe we're trespassing ppl's private property here. gulp.

after that we went over to snap Kuan Yin statue. The statue was covered with construction equipments setups as it's in the midst of building a wall and perhaps a roof around it. This was also the first time I've ever set foot on top of the place. It looks absolutely breath taking. We took a short cable car ride up to the place where the statue was and it costs only RM4 for to and fro trip. :)

After that it was back to shooting pagoda till the place was closed around 11pm. See you guys again next CNY!

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