Monday, February 09, 2009

Chinese New Year Cultural & Heritage Celebration 2009 Penang

Actually this event was held at 1st Feb 2009 but only posted this now. hahaha.. excuse excuse.

Went over around Penang heritage area (Acheen Street, Armenian Street, Cannon Street, Ah Quee Street, Soo Hong Lane, Chulia Street) for photoshoot of the even.

The place was jammed packed, lots of people... locals, tourists, hawkers and performers alike. It was the first time I saw so many photographers and also dslr users out there. a lot with big big cannon-like lenses. Makes my D60 kit looks like a toy camera... sob sob.

Anyway, had a blast but photographing was a tough job. Have to squeeze your way through everything and it was very hot.

I did managed to snap Khoo Kong Si temple there cos they said normally it will not light up at night and this was the only chance... no choice. But we did have fun. :)

P/S: Thanks for Felicia for borrowing her tripod which was broken but then fixed by Shangyih boy later to enable me to snap sharp pics at that night. :)

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