Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chinese New Year photography contest 2009

Our shutterbug's club organizers held a photography event in conjunction with CNY and the theme was to snap photos related to CNY celebration n mood.

I never really did go out purposely to shoot photos for this competition (shame to say) but its very hard to pick a photos out of those pools that I have during CNY (Kek Lok Si and heritage open house)

I didn't choose Kek Lok Si temple shots as I thought it didn't really convey any meaning or mood relating to CNY celebration. Sure it opens to the public and all all those laterns lit up but... still... it doesnt show any CNY celebration. Skipped.

My remaining choice was the heritage open house shoot I did a while ago (still within the CNY period). I went through... I picked and edited 1 photo of lion dance. I actually was making my way out of Khoo Kong Si temple with camera strapped around my neck and saw this incoming pack of lion dancers. Immediately I held up my camera, eyes into viewfinder and just compose quickly and take those shots. Took like 5.... 3 were blur, 1 posted in facebook... and 1 more i didn't which I selected and submitted as my entry as I thought Lion Dance at least hits the mark closer than the temple shots.

We had our shutterbug class just now and judges gives pointers when participating on a photography contest. Basically, your photo must be able to : stand out from the crowd, have an 'X' factor (wow factor), stick to the topic, able to attract judges' attention when viewed from thumbnail size, be original and creative.

My entry was not selected as the top 5, but WengHong's did! congrats to him first! Anyway, as the judges are going through the photos... they gave pointers on how to improve my shots and the most significant edit would be to crop off the distracting objects/ peoples.

Here... what do you guys think? It's a bit too squarish i think .... but actually better than the original one in the sense that there's less distracting elements. Anyway, thank you to all judges and people who took the time to organize this event and also shared with all of us bout the tips n tricks! Really appreciate them!

I'll nail the next one... :) Gambate to all! Peace~

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