Saturday, October 17, 2009

Finally.... finall finally finally...

finally what? er... a couple of things. First, it's a long holiday ..well, sorta. 3 days ma. Thanks to Deepavali celebration in Malaysia. Happy Deepavali to all Indian readers!

Secondly, hell... it's exactly over 1 week since i was sick! Man, talk about down... and out. I was sick last Friday during the oracle app training, took half day leave and went to see the doc to get my MC.

Well well well... guess what the lovely doc said when i asked for the half day mc from him?

"you only have the common flu, there's no MC for that."

"common flu? why no mc? " I paused. The thought of thinking that someone who wanted to lie for a mc flew pass my mind.

"Look doc" I said, started to sound a bit inpatient, '"if i want, i could have just come and get the mc in the morning. there's no need for me to drop by to the office first and then only come to see you after the first half of my working day."

he looked at me... and told me he's gonna think bout it first and decide.

I was sick and furious.. i just turn away and walked out of the room. That is the first time that i have ever did such thing to a doctor.. no hard feelings to my doctor friends out there but i think this is quite ridiculous. luckily, at the dispensary they gave me my medicine and also the MC. it's all good... I went back to the clinic on this past monday again though to get another mc. I am really sick... up until now... it had turned into cough... and my asthma which long gone had returned to plague my lungs.. uuuhh... "common flu? my @$$, gee... "

But anyway, no on the the actual thing. Went to shoot something today with Julian as he had just bought his dslr.. Nikon D5000. We went over to this place call "Taman Metropolitan Relau". It's some sort of recreation part with some jungle trekking thing, large green grass filled fields and a children's playground.

Not a lot of people there but that's what i hoped for also, a chance to snap in peace and quiet!

Here's the shot and some i took with his Tamron lens! 17 - 50mm f2.8! wow... poisonous indeed!

The ponds are all dried up cos they no longer turn on the pipes.. probably cos nobody goes there anymore...

P/S: click on each photo for a large version. If you like this, please click on the advertisement on the right side below under [Please Click Me] & [Pls click n show support~] to follow this blog. Thanks!


The Alphaomega said...


Glad to hear that you have recovered now. Thanks for sharing the pic of the Metropolitan Garden. Have you taken any shot of the "haunted mansion" next to the Garden?

sah90 said...

Good Way taking pic..
I will support u by clicking ads nuffnang..

Kit Keat Bar said...

wtt: thanks, what???? there's a haunted mansion? crap. i didnt realize... hmmm.. let me check with my friend. he brought me there..

sah90: thanks for the support! do drop by once in a while. :)

Kit Keat Bar said...

i think you mean this one

"Just on the right of the park lies a secret of a depleted structure built by Chung Thye Phin. It was formerly known as Relau Villa."

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