Sunday, May 11, 2008

Rude Awakening

*warning! rant post ahead, read at your own risk. >:) *

Ahh... peaceful Sunday afternoon. Came back from having my hair cut and all bathed clean and think I would like to hit the sack for a while. The weather is just nice, dim and a bit windy. Nothing beats the feeling of pampering yourself after a week of ordeal.

I laid on my bed, ear phones into my ear and turned on my soothing soundtrack. Not long after, I was already entering the 'pre-sleep' stage. BAMP! PANG! BANG! CLANG! what the hell?!?! I heard noises from outside my room near the corridor. It was from my neighbor, There's 1 unit apart, the middle unit between ours and his is unoccupied. I'm not the one who go and make friends with my neighbor, I just do like what most people do... came back then go straight into my place. Never really liked chatting away with my neighbor except with a few next door neighbor of the same age when I was growing up. They've all but moved away. Back to the story just now, as I was in a state of shock, the noise as I've interpreted them was like someone using a hammer or bat to whack some stuff. It was very violent as you can actually hear the details of various materials coming into contact with the tool of destruction and stuff breaking apart. I thought it was a result of some argument between the husband and wives as their reputation in my heart was not that nice (well, the couple argued and didn't talk nicely all the while). My mum was awakened by the noise and opened the door and check, I could hear she locked the door back so I asked her what's the big idea bout the whole thing. She told me : 'oh that was nothing, that guy was just breaking and throwing away some parts to be sold later on'. I was like : 'what???!?! breaking and throwing??? now?? Sunday?!?? I mean 4pm? Sunday afternoon?' Alright some of you might argue the fact that each of us has freedom to do whatever we wanted anytime we wanted to. I agreed, but up to a certain extend and depending on what you're doing and where you are. Come on, for crying out loud man, we're living in a flat! use your 'the thing in between your ear (brain) if you have any...

I feel like knocking some sense into him but then again violence can't really solve the problem and I'm not big enough to confront him. That guy's occupation was kinda like part time on demand kinda job. Not sure what kinda word for that occupation but basically he does painting, laying out cement on building and do all those on-demand spontaneous requests odd jobs. He likes to pile all his 'tools' and 'materials' if you will, outside the walkaway. Heck, he even pilled them over to the unoccupied unit's vicinity. I dun normally complaint nor do I feel like venting all these out here in my blog as I'm trying to change my attitude to become much more positive. I know, I'll just head over to my parent's room to take a nap starting next time. At least the noise that he'll probably make (again!) won't be that audible. Learn from experience and do not make yourself a victim out of every circumstances.

That's what I've learn so no more next time. I kinda pity the person who lives directly below his unit... that noise is probably unbearable too but nobody ever complaints as honestly, a guy living below him once complained to him that his children ran back and forth while shouting and laughing during early Sunday morning and was met with a response of :' Nope, there's no such thing.' as told by that guy to me. I told him this : 'dun bother complaining, if you wanna complain, check your subject first.'

Not sure if you guys are having a nice neighborhood or not? Mine definitely is a no no so far. Urgh... no point keep on complaining, you cannot really change other people in this world. Everyone is uniquely different. You either change the environment or change your perspective about them. The 2nd option, that is easier. : )

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