Saturday, December 27, 2008


Can't help but noticed that Georgetown's traffic has got worsen... hmm, the last time I check it was jam.. but not like this. let's see, Christmas is over... well I tell myself perhaps ppl are still flooding the street to rush for year end bargain from Christmas celebration that I'm sure still going on now. hmmm... terrible, you know it's Jam packed even when motorists are having difficulties traversing along the road.

Previously when government announced the petrol price increase to a drastic 2.8 per litre, this caused a domino effect on the rest of the stuff.. including food. Tom Yam I used to eat shot up from RM4 to RM5... I can only think of this first cos these are the one I can remember which shocked me when they replaced the price tag.. and you know it's pricey even when the petrol price has been brought down quite a notch and the food price still remained at the high range.

Received a few friend's and relative's invitation to their weddings, wow... everyone is moving towards the next stage in their life... marriage! last time I used to hang out with my cousins a lot, we grew up together, some other friends... used to go out quite frequently together.. almost daily during high school days... are no where to be seen as each of them have their own family right now or moved out from the Island. you know they've moved on to the next stage in their life when your phone doesn't ring or sms which came in are not from those people...gotta miss those moments.. :)

I used to play my Lego collection my dad bought for me and some which I have accumulated throughout the years... before you lable me as childish for playing LEGO, mind you it has helped train me to what I am today... a teenie meenie more creative have I not been playing with it when I was a child. I still occasionally buy a few of those small sets but not that frequent anymore.. I combined them together in hope to have more building blocks for a much more complex creation... but when almost each time I take the box out in hope to create something... my mind would get lost... scrambling through the parts... not knowing what to assemble.. how to assemble anymore... gosh... I know it's not big deal... it's just another collectibles... but.. some part of me felt missing.. and I know I've slowly moved on...away from these stuff as day goes by... (getting old liao. =p)

Each day no matter afternoon or at night, I'm sweating my shirt off... I took like 3 to 4 times bathe each day... its warm day and night. you know something's really wrong with our earth given the polution we're creating each day.

some change is good while others are bad... what changes have u witness these days?

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