Sunday, February 22, 2009

Surprised meeting - Vintage Cars @ Tanjung Tokong

Today Calvin asked me out for a photoshoot... actually just got out from my lazy bed cos not much sleep yesterday. We went out for breakfast and just cruise around, had no idea where or what to snap... I just thought we go over Tanjung Tokong's newly developed land where they have those bungalows for rich ppl to have a look.

Cruised along the quiet roads... admiring rich people's houses... some of the house are painted white and it really blends well with the clear blue skies this morning.

We made a U-turn at the end of the road back and toured the other side. Came across this small road leading inside a place where they have a children's playground and a nice seaside view. That attracted me but not for long... I saw a few vintage cars parked at the side. Immediately, the subject of the day was found and we literaly hop right out of the car and armed ourselves with cameras and start snapping away.

Actually, I sort of hold back a little cos I can see some of the owners nearby. After seeking their kind permission we continued. I actually missed 1 blue merz as the owner and the rest of the gang left after a short while.

Met and spoke to one of the owner - Chris (correct me if you're reading this and if i was wrong) who owned one of the red sport car.

Sorry for my lack of knowledge, didn't really catch what's the name of the car which sports a huge "MG" logo. :)

One of the car has its license plate number which was also the same number as the year it was manufactured. :) In fact, if I was not mistaken... according to the other lady whom I didn't ask who her name was told me that Douglas has all cars except for 1 which sports the plate number as the manufacture year of each car!

Hope to see more of these in the future... this is.. indeed a surprise find and a wonderful capture.

Again thanks to all the kind owners who let us photographs these vintage beauties!

* Please click on individual photo for larger version.


yuki tenshi said...

hmm.. m a bit of a fan for vintage cars... nice n classic..xD
MG stands for 'Morris Garages' btw... British car =D

Kit Keat Bar said...

omg... MG u also know... Imma complete noob! gosh...

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