Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Holding door

Being courtesy isn't that hard to do... I'm beginning to see a 'trend' at my work place. Example, when you're walking towards a door, the person is in front of you... just a few meters away, very close...and when they passed through the door, they didn't even bother to hold the door for you but just let go of their hand off the door and walked straight in.

It's quite annoying to see this as I believe this more or less shows how a person thinks dun you agree?

For me, once I've enter... I'll turn slightly back to see if anyone's approaching. If they're only a few more steps to the door, I'll either hold the door or push it to a 90degrees angle to have it opened for them cos some people might be carrying water bottles with one hand and probably hand bag with the other.

It's very simple act to do which brings some nice feelings for other people. Some said thank you for me too. Being polite to each other lifts up your spirits for the day.

For those that didn't have this habit, do it from now onwards. Make this a better place. :) I'm sure a lot of people in leading countries have nice habits and this being one of them.

Change your thoughts and the world changes with you.

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