I forgot to buy the mooncake so some of us went to shopping complex after our lunch to grab a few of it. This time a lot of us participated compared to last year cos it involved team members from 2 teams.
YS actually took some of the lantern we've bought and sort of decorated the nearby fake plant in the pantry to add to the mood of the festival!... hahahahha... nice touch!
Here's some of the snaps during the break. Enjoy~
Here's the main collection, noticed that there's 1 being sliced up already while others remain intact. I've requested them to be arranged this way and let me snap a few shots first b4 the hungry one destroys their beauty~... admire first.. then only eat ma...
This is the pre-slicing moment... the mooncakes awaited their fate... can see YS snapping a few shots also
Sorting out the moon cakes and cutting them in 8 pieces each
Lychee fruit flavour mooncake by YS, its quite tasty
Lychee fruit flavour mooncake by YS, its quite tasty
Jelly fruity mooncakes... somehow nowadays a lot of mooncakes just shaped like one but doesn't really taste like the traditional ones
Tada~ my selection, snow skin purple er.. i forgot what flavour is this.. but its nice :Þ
Tada~ my selection, snow skin purple er.. i forgot what flavour is this.. but its nice :Þ
All of us had a great time, I've sampled quite a lot of the mooncakes and they do taste a bit sweet if you didn't take with any water... All in all a great time and thanks to everyone who made it happened!
Too bad I miss the treasurable moment with the team
Okay la.. since u can view it here ma. :D
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