Sunday, March 01, 2009

Sunrise shooting - eGate seafront @ 28th Feb 2009

Went to shoot sunrise again with Calvin after a few failed attempts where either it rained or it was too foggy that we couldn't even get the see the sun at all.... :)

Today our spot was opposite of eGate there at the seaside facing Butterworth. Reached quite early and scouted around for some suitable spots. Tracked a few rocks here and there just to get closer to the seaside as we could.

There's are the results. : ) I'm moderately satisfied. (sun slowly rises up...)

Calvin even uses his brother's Nikon point and shoot camera just to show that behind nice photos lies a good photographer and lesser about his/her gears. :)

Even took a pano shots b4 we left.

*Click on individual photos for a larger version :)

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