Saturday, November 21, 2009

Tired - My Art - Forest Pixies

Well, recently... er, at least this 2 weeks I've been feeling extremely tired. I would go home and bathe and then take a short nap before fetching my mum back from work around 10pm.

I never really got the energy to paint.. only edited a few photos here n there. I can't figure out why. Perhaps my sleeping posture needs adjustment. I skipped my dinner too at times only to take some supper right after fetching my mum to save me time to nap 2 hours.

A while ago I received this email stating that the India SAP CEO died at a very young age (click on the link to see the news).

The problem? Lack of sleep... wow, he only slept like 5 - 6 hours per day... although he did exercised, sleep is not something you can replace apparently.

I'm fixing the problem and gotta take more fruits to cleans my body as well.. being taking a lot of meat, although i do take a lot of veges too, i think fruits are better to cleans the body. haha...

Oh and erm, I know this painting doesn't look that decent but it's the only one I'm able to put up right now. : ) thanks for viewing.. have a great day!

Here's to health!

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