Sunday, November 22, 2009

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2009

Parked inside Queensbay's multi storey car park and walked down from the ramp.. took some snapshots too..

Today me and a bunch of people participated in the annual Penang Bridge International Marathon. This was my 5th time if not mistaken, but after the painful lesson I've learned last year, I only participated in the fun run this year.

Fun runners group pic!

Last year I went for the usual Half Marathon - can't really remember the actual distance but somewhere between 23 - 25km. The stipulated time was 3hours 30mins, I completed it in around 4 hours.. @_@ Reason being that I have not participated in the event for some years already and didn't really go on to any training. Painful lesson that was, I just got my camera not long hence I brought along my D60.. boy oh boy... was that a heavy burden to the already heavy journey.. hahahhaa. But I did took some shots and pretty glad with them.

Me and Ishtar plastered the free "breathe right" thingy onto our nose. It has some spring mechanism which lift out both sides of your nose hence enlarging the nose and increase air intake with each breath =)

This year is strictly fun run with the gang, 10km without needing to match any actual time. We did it in around 1 and a half hour. compared to 4 hours i took last year this is actually very good.

Started at 7:30am ended around 9am :)

Mission completed by Ishtar! I don't really feel any achievement since this is the so call fun run. haha...
Last but not least, our CM drawing out the lucky number for the grand prize... a national car.. sadly none of us got it.

Thanks for the company everyone and see u guys next year!

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