Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Anniversary 2009

When i heard that my dad took leave and will be coming back to Penang to be with us during his wedding anniversary with my mum, I immediately thought of an idea to bring them out and eat something nice.

Since they insisted on having a vegetarian diet on this date, I convinced them to just take some ice cream for the occasion, which we did. Haagen Dazs. One of my favourite ice cream brand. It's pricey, but nice. simple as that.

Looked around the menu, they have a bunch of new items to try out... but in the end.. not wanted to be stingy when it comes to occasion like this, I opted for the buffet thing with a chocolate dipping in the center.

Comes with fruits, biscuits, mini cakes and i think 16 mini scoops of pre-selected ice creams.
Chocolate dipping heated by a candle below the tray...
Overall, we had a great time although it was quite brief. took some photos, most of the shots were quite shaky. I dun have my auto focus 50mm with me, so gotta make do with my kit. Not a fan of built in flash, so didn't use it.

The ice cream were not that nice actually, i think they purposely pre-selected the flavors that normally are harder to sell out. low demand, so they included in this set which if you count the number of items together for the price, it's consider cheap. at RM6x something. A normal scoop of the ice cream usually costs around RM12++. Oh well, next time i'll let them try out those nicer flavours. :) we can go more often then...

This is the first time that I've actually celebrated with them... funny isn't it? hahaha, being a light bulb.. but we dun mind. at least among the 3 of us. small but heart warming event.

Here's to many many more years of happiness to come :)

What about u guys? have u ever celebrated your parent's anniversary? why not try it on the next one.. and share with me your experience. :)

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Cla said...

sweeeeeet....ur parent sure very happy...next round celebrating ur birthday with them, i believe that ur birtday is da most memorable day for them :) :)

Kit Keat Bar said...

thanks, i guess so.. can.. celebrate all of our birthdays also :)


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