Sunday, December 13, 2009

just a day out...

went out today with Julian to get some stuff and mostly just to get out from my house. Its getting warmer and warmer these days.. I'm sweating now as i'm writing this post.

sigh.. global warming ppl.. remember to reduce, recycle and reuse those plastic bags. :)

Anyway, onto some pics and description...

I said I wanted to try this egg tart from Gurney Plaza last weekend, and I did.. well, there's a few types, I only tried this. the... curry chicken stuffed egg tart thing. The egg tart is stuffed with curry chicken er... shreds. not chunks though.. is tiny tiny bits of chicken pieces. its not spicy.. well, i would hope that it is at least some bit of spicy there. but it's just me :)

the innards of the egg tart... RM3 per piece

Next, food again... pizza. The stall's name is "Just pizza". Looked nice, flipped open the menu, well.. there's not just pizza though.. LOL.. there's pizza, dessert, soup and drinks of course. hahahhaa.. well, just kidding.

I like spicy food. naturally, i suggested the ala Thai flavour. The pizza was NICE! recommended. 7'' size for RM13++. cut into 6 pieces. Enough for 2 person. :)

After finished pizza, walked back up to ground floor, and saw this.. Dragonball show for kids! yay... no, okay.. I read the comics when i was a kid.. so, I happened to brought my d90 along.. so I just snapped a few to share.

Picolo and Gouku came out and showed a few kungfu stunt of theirs...

Shortly, children were asked to raise their hand if they want to go up to the stage and play some games with Dragonball characters. I remember back in the days of my childhood... many children were much more shy than these kids. :) I was among them... I still am shy more or less but have improved. :)

Guess what is this? the hint are those holes... 1 more hint is "rubber"

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1 comment:

junli said...

If manage to guess got prize or not? :p

kindly click the tiny ad to support me~ thanx~