Sunday, July 20, 2008

My "amazing" trip to Gurney Plaza...

(The journey there...)
It rained whole day and I went over to Gurney Plaza just now after fetching my mum from work. Wanted to find replacement battery for my dying phone and hope that with it I can hold on to my tempatation of getting a new phone. I dropped her on the main entrance and proceed to the rear entrance where I would head up to the parking lots upstairs. Guess what, there's 1 guard standing there. Oh I know what that means, parking lot's full or maybe they just block this side of the entrance, Okay... drive out proceeded to the other entrace.

(The encounter...)
I was driving slowly cos its raining after all, on the left lane... 1 taxi on the right... suddenly a black iswara sped up revving his engine... drove quite close to the taxi... eventually I gotta make way just for it to sped up and over take the taxi and landed in front of my lane... wow... way to go pal... I was frustrated and my hand hit the honk. LOL...

And there I was... honked that fella... and guess what... he moved in front of me and started driving slowly.. LOL.. wow... I was utterly speechless. Okay, since he's the one who wanted to be in such a hurry... slowing down is not a problem. Well, I've gotta admit though.. it was kinda slow... moving around 30 km/h... I tailed behind... slowly.. shaking my head in disbelieve with such immature driver. LOL.... wow.. Hail the BolehNess! (some how I failed to see his face though, wonder what kinda living being was inside... perhaps 1 with retarted brain. nyuk nyuk nyuk)

(The search for space...)
Anyway, I reached the 2nd entrance .... was also BLOCKED by another guard with an umbrella... I looked at him... hoping that there's a slight glimmer of hope that he would step away and let me in... hahaha, unfortunately he waved me away. I've got no choice but to use the basement lot.

I forgot when was the last time I parked down there. Anyway, circled around and no parking lot to be found. I turned down another level to basement lvl2... and circled around together with a lot of other cars... and I couldn't believe the amount of cars availble there. It was jammed packed, I couldn't believe why was it so jam today. Sunday? there's 1 Sunday per week... hmmm.

I called my mum and told her probably I couldn't find any spot and will have to leave... but lady luck appears to be on my side. As I approached back to lvl1, I saw a couple about to leave in their car.... signaled and waited. Yay~ a spot for me..


(The battery...)
Went up to 4th floor and asked a few shops for my phone's battery...and none of them have it. Zero, Empty, Nada, Void, NULL.. LOL. Guess what? I'm not surprised... lol.. lesson learned. Get a phone with easy to find battery next time... such as Nokia or Sony Ericsson for that matter... or maybe not.. (iPhone, ngek ngek ngek).

(The dinner...)
After the search, went to foodcourt to have my dinner with mum. I ordered the usual Tom Yam claypot noodle... the kind lady asked me if I could like to have an egg to go with it, I politely said no... and she handed me the order coupon to which I shocked as I looked at the price tag... RM5!!!... gulp... man, reality check... yeah... petrol price hike... domino effect.. yada yada yada.. I get it. Welcome to the real world eh? hehehhehee... well, it's not so bad. Paying just a little bit extra to have my favourite Tom Yam in shopping complex.

(The end...)
Went back after that...a tiring trip. Jam and rained... wow... and worse of all.. no battery!!!

Guh.... (=_=!)


DeParadise said...

Hey... Please la... go to change a new cell phone... Go GO Go !!!~

Kit Keat Bar said...

u think me "print-$$$" rich ar??? =_=! a lot of stuff must consider one lo...

yuki tenshi said...

the result of trying to get a phone which no1 have...
faster say qiang again~~

Kit Keat Bar said...

it really is qiang, not yet outdated ma... just that the battery... =_=!

kindly click the tiny ad to support me~ thanx~