Sunday, May 24, 2009

Little wormy worm...

Now this is something i haven't see for quite sometime.. a caterpillar! Last month my dad asked me to go to our little garden in front of our house where he and my mum planted quite a few small plants there.

There's this caterpillar... from my understanding, this is almost the final phase where it will soon turn onto a cocoon and then become a butterfly later. It was huge... almost like my index finger.. and almost moderate greenish in color.

It has this decos that looked like giant "eyes" near its head and my guess is it's used to scare off potential hunters. the colors actually blend well with the leaves of the plant and if you didnt look carefully, actually the hint that give away its presence was..... tada.. its poo. hahahah, it dropped right off the leaves onto the cement.

Anyway, after a few more days I tried to pry around the leaves to see if it has turned into a cocoon yet or not as i've never seen an actual ones b4, all i ever saw was the leftover but this round, that little fella was gone. no where to be seen.. i checked the nearby plants and it's not there too.. I think the birds must have gotten him.. poor thing... :(

but this is the food chain isn't it... small gets eaten by bigger ones.. oh well, R.I.P. my little fren... hope to see more of them here and hopefully make it to their butterfly form next round. :)

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yuki tenshi said...

was bitten by 1 when i was little...-.-''

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Wow..nice shots

Kit Keat Bar said...

eh... bitten by caterpillar?? hmmm... was it painful or just itchy or both?

thanks Willie! ^^

Kit Keat Bar said...
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Cla said...

nice shots kitkeat Bar....urmmm...can i says dat the caterpillar is cute?'s really cute....:)

Kit Keat Bar said...

it's cute... i forgot to point out, when it's smaller ... it has thorns on its body to protect it.. because its color is darker green... as it grows older... becomes lighter green.. better at hiding itself.. so no more thorns... hahahahha

yuki tenshi said...

both.. =S

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