Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tongue Twisters

This morning I was listening to my podcasts and the topic of the day was tongue twisters. For those of you who has no idea what that is, is basically a sentence which is hard to pronounce correctly.

Tongue-twisters may rely on similar but distinct phonemes (e.g., s [s] and sh [ʃ]) - wikipedia.
This could be Sea or Sea which brings up my 2 favorite tongue twisters of all time.

Read through this quickly and see if you could get them correctly or not ^^
1) She sells sea shells at sea shore.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much wood as he could,
and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

I can do the 2nd one easily but the first one really got to me. The 'Sh' sound and the 'S' sound is pretty confusing...

Actually, the most surprising thing to me was... there's actually a Guinness World Record for the hardest tongue twister... i dunno how on earth do they quantify a sentence as the hardest.. perhaps they sample a few thousand pepple and see how many people would fail in the pronunciation of the sentence and compared between each accordingly?

Anyway, your hardest tongue twister according to Guinness Book of Record is :-

"The sixth sick sheikh's sixth sheep's sick"

Honestly speaking, i couldn't get this correctly without repeatedly reading a few words double.. LOL.... have fun trying!

Please do share some of the nicer ones or any of your favorites here... =D

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